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If it moves in this section, its edible.

Showreel 2018


This project encompasses what I have learnt in KINGRA(Kinetic Graphics) and is applied into a showreel.

It showcases both design and illustration works as of April/October Semester 2018.


Having the ability to animate and express myself freely led to the direction a fully meme'd work that does not obey what is generally expected of animations such as these, but plays around with motion and field of depth. This piece is the best of my assignments in KINGRA altogether, and the most Dada flair I have put into a single assignment.

3D Type Animation

The basis of how I learnt 3D animation in KINGRA. This animation promotes a poster made during the Typography 2 module in October 2017. I didn't know what kind of animation to go for, but the only thing that came to mind consistently was Dada. Hence, I used my favourite tune and adjusted text from there to create a harmonious movement.

Memorial Tribute: Mr Dakshina

This video documents the story of Mr Dakshinamoorthy, Mr P. Gnana's mentor and master sculptor. This project was completed and edited under the guidance of Gnani Arts Pte Ltd and was screened at Mr Dakshinamoorthy's memorial event held in India for the Indian Art Community paying tribute to his genius in the arts. I received commendation for editing this video with no prior experience to video creation or animation while working part-time at Gnani Arts as Mr P. Gnana's assistant. This was a notable achievement for my first job experience before entering design school which set the foundation to what collaborative work is like in the creative industry.

PSA Int. Internship 2019
Branding & Motion Design

Internet of Logistics (IOL) Summit Explainer Video

CALISTA's Future Motion Graphic

I interned at PSA international in 2019 as a branding in house designer with another friend from Temasek Polytechnic. The task was to come up with the branding

for the upcoming product CALISTA, a logistics and supply

chain solution to seamlessly link up stakeholders of the supply chain to their shipments en route from point to

point, as well as keep tally of their assets along the supply

chain globally.


The overall style we settled upon as a collaboration was
the low-poly style, as it conveyed the idea of simplicity
with dynamism in the shapes to express different dimensions of objects, and by proxy the nature and

depth of the product itself.


PSA International tasked me to manage the motion graphic side of the internship while utilising the branding we created. During the tasking, I put my competencies in storyboarding and After Effects to the test while sourcing for new and innovative means to express the ideas that were being communicated. 


The end result was overwhelmingly positive, and helped PSA attain a foothold in the supply chain market with fresh ideas to convey their solutions to clients as a go-to tool

for presentations and marketing.

Beneficial Cargo Owner(BCO) Marketing Video

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