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Libre Systems

In the near future, AI microchip implants will be able to help humans interact with everyday features. The brief describes the need for a brand identity to promote this chip and the company manufacturing them to gain the trust of their target audiences.

Can you imagine having a computer chip in your head to solve all your daily problems and interact with the world around you? Would you trust a brand that looks serious and stern, but wants to provides its technology to all ages? Libre Systems is the answer to this
fictitious issue.

Libre Systems targets all ages of society, adapting a friendly, minimalistic smiling human image to express its trustworthy nature. The democratising of AI chip implants enables every human being to be able to fully utilise digital cloud resources in the adrenaline packed computing age we thrive in, making tasks universally simpler with less frustrating moments.

Libre Systems is responsible for the joy and energetic lifestyle that human enjoys — a juxtaposition of contrasting blue and orange colors describes the harmony between man and machine. Ai is purposed to assist human, not replace them.

Namecard variants
Brand Manual
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