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Trend Zine

This zine examines the current trends of gaming in 2019, created as a part of the module of Trends and Research. As of current, VR/AR (Virtual Reality/Augmented Reality) has been taking the market by storm with its features to revolutionise how we interact with digital media created by game developers in specific. Consumers have indicated their interest in more stimulating graphics for a stronger satisfaction from interacting with media as highlighted.

Since this topic was targeting digital media, I decided to leverage on my own personal experiences in gaming and information technology interactions as evidences to assist my secondary research. I also took aesthetics and layout a notch above what I knew how to do then, despite aesthetics not being graded for this report to suit the mood of the content being exposited. I eventually got bored while reading previous drafts for a moment and added hidden inside jokes that would trigger gamers to make it more human and rational— some of which were actual content from interviewees, as an ode to my love for personal style.

This report gartered an A grade overall for the entire module.

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