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Matthew Ng Kwong

Museum Zine

This project encompasses the skills learnt in publication and essentials revised in the pre print module. I chose to write about the Asian Civilization Museum as I love cultural and heritage backgrounds, which supplement what I already know about the world to find new routes to apply Dadaism. The more I understand about the world, the easier it is for me to find gaps in the structure to do my craft.

I fashioned the zine like a China tea set, as the Asian Civilization in regard to Singapore had a strong connection to many civilizations, but the most significant two were China and Malacca. I chose to focus on China for the elegant aesthetic that describes our heritage and History that we should be proud of. The special information pages were themed to be like Celadon, a form of China that is more fiercely prepared through intense heating to attain the green color in its body. This served as a highlight page theme for key informations.

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